Monday, June 28, 2010

So you have an oil leak...

I guess that most of you out there are aware that we have a little oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico. Yesterday, our governor Bob Riley along with the governors of several other Gulf Coast states called for a day of prayer regarding the oil spill. I applaud their resolution, because as it is now painfully obvious, this situation has exceeded our capacity to control. During our morning worship service, we took the time to recognize the situation and to unite in prayer over the entire situation.

Why pray? What good will it do? We took a few minutes to look at Exodus 2:23-25 and saw three important principles about God that ought to guide our hearts toward God in prayer:

1) God hears the prayers of His people
God wants us to pray and listens when we do it. Prayer is not just an attempt by weak-minded people to find peace in a difficult situation. God is actually listening to our requests.

2) God remembers His people
Is there anything that feels worse than being forgotten? The Israelites had been enslaved in Egypt for years, and I imagine that they felt lost. God remembered His covenant with their fathers, and was faithful towards them.

3) God cared about their situation

The last phrase of v. 25 is translated in a number of different ways, but they all point to one basic theme. God is concerned for His people. God is not just a cosmic spirit that is untouched and unmoved by the injustices His people face.

The whole message of the book of the Exodus is that God heard the cries of His people, He remembered His covenant with them, and He was concerned about their situation. Because of this reality, God moved in their situation and provided a deliverer in Moses. While our situation is quite a bit different than the one faced by the Israelites, I do know that God cares about our situation and we need to turn to Him in prayer. Many of you are out of town and have asked, "What can I do?" I've come up with a list of 10 items that we can all be praying for in response to the oil leak.

1) That the oil would stop leaking

Simple enough, and maybe not very spiritual, but this is the root of the problem. Until the oil stops leaking, our other efforts are in vain. Whether the solution is natural or supernatural, the leak must stop.

2) A speedy and effective cleanup
This is new territory for those of us on the Gulf Coast. Give us a hurricane and we know how to recover, but an oil leak is a new thing. Pray that the cleanup is done quickly and completely, so that we are not left to face the damage of this leak for generations.

3) Protection for those involved in the cleanup efforts
A lot of work is already being done as part of the recovery effort, and a lot of it is dangerous work. Pray for the safety of those workers both in their daily tasks and in their long-term health in the years to come.

4) Protection for the ecosystems affected by the leak
The earth is the Lord's, and we know that He is in control of it. From the waters that supply our seafood to the beaches that draw the tourists, the livelihood of many is affected by the presence of oil.

5) A sense of peace and a willingness to forgive
Our people have faced two overwhelming emotions over the past few months: Confusion and anger. Pray that we would have peace that God is in control regardless of what has happened and will happen in the days ahead. Pray that we would be able to forgive. When faced with the reality of the leak and the arrogance of many of the responses to it, our people have been hurt and many carry bitterness with them. Pray that we would be able to forgive, even when it is not asked for.

6)Wisdom for the leaders that are overseeing the recovery efforts
This entire process is a massive undertaking, and I don't get the sense that anyone is quite sure where to start or what to do. Pray for those folks who are the decision-makers, that God would grant them wisdom in each step.

7) For the hearts of our people to be open to the Lord's work
Many people in our communities are suffering. Join us in praying that they would be open to respond to God during this time. As they question many of their spiritual assumptions about life, pray that they would find their hope in Christ.

8) For the church, both locally and globally, to be ready to minister during this time of distress
As I mentioned earlier, there are many emotional and physical needs that our people are facing. Pray that our local bodies of believers here on the front lines will be prepared to meet those needs. Further, pray that the church outside of our region will be ready to come alongside us and partner in ministry. I believe that this one is especially important for us in the days ahead. We do not yet know what we are facing. In the wake of a hurricane, we need many volunteers to come and help clean out flooded houses and cut up fallen trees. This is a dramatically different situation, and as of yet, most of our churches are not in need of volunteers. Please pray that we will know how to respond!

9) For the ability to see God's grace in spite of our circumstances
I had the pleasure Sunday of preaching in a newly remodeled auditorium that never would have been, had it not been for the damage caused by the tragic events of Hurricane Katrina. Katrina was a terrible tragedy, but we saw the church respond and experienced God's grace and love in ways that we never had before. Pray that we will recognize God's work when we experience it.

10) For the ability to give thanks to God and say "Thy will be done"
Pray that we would be thankful people, in spite of the circumstances, and that in all things we would trust God to work all things together for good. God has always been generous to us and we know that He has not changed.

If you've read all the way to the bottom of this post, thanks! Know that we desire your prayers on our behalf. For those of you reading this who are locals, you know that this is not an exhaustive list of needs. If you have a specific prayer need, I hope that you will add it in the comments section below.

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