Friday, January 21, 2011


Well, after several weeks on radio silence here on N. Wintzell, I've emerged from hiding to update the blog. Actually, I haven't been hiding, I've just been incredibly busy. In the wake of the holidays, I spent most of my free time preparing for a seminar that kept me in New Orleans most of last week.

If you're like me, you often question why you do what you do. Several times over the past few weeks when I found myself up late working on another book review or paper, I wondered why in the world I was back in school. My 20's are in their death throes now. I'm married with 3 preschoolers. I've started a new ministry and now I was making preparations to travel to New Orleans to sit in 24 hours of class.

On the way home from the seminar, I had no doubt I was doing the right thing. I was challenged by the books that we read and I gained insight from my instructors that I'm sure will be helpful in my ministry, but the greatest joy that came out of my class was the relationships built with my classmates. I came away from the experience encouraged, challenged, and looking forward to the next seminar. The Proverbs remind us "As iron sharpens iron, so let one man sharpen another" and I experienced that through the fellowship I enjoyed with these brothers in ministry.

So, now after a week of playing catch-up, I hope to be able to update the blog more regularly in the weeks ahead. So far, my new year is off to a good start, and I hope yours is as well. If you're looking for a church home, come by and check us out at First Baptist, Bayou La Batre, conveniently located at 13500 N. Wintzell. On Sunday mornings we're looking at some things we can do to make 2011 as good a year as possible, so come out and be our guest this Sunday at 11am!

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