Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Anniversary

As always, Christmas is a busy time of year here on N. Wintzell and, as such, a pretty important day in the life of our family often gets neglected. On the 18th, Suzanne and I celebrated our 6th anniversary. It's been quite a journey, and I can't say enough how blessed I am to have Suzanne as my wife.

For those of you who know us, you know that our entire relationship has been a whirlwind. We met at the end of February, went on our first date in March, and were engaged on the 1st of June. At her insistence, we waited until December to get married. We married at Cottage Hill Baptist on December 18th and started a new life together. Within a few months of our marriage, I was dealt a blow as we lost my grandfather. As we mourned his loss, unexpected joy would come to me via text message, as I sat in a classroom in Pensacola: "You need to call me". "What is it?" "We're having a baby!"

So it was that, just like we knew what we were doing, we celebrated our first anniversary with a one month-old. In the spring of 2006, I finished seminary, and we did something a little crazy. I took a church in Wetumpka, Alabama. We thought we were moving to the other side of the world. She had questions. We talked. We prayed. She supported me every step of the way.

We spent four joyful years in Wetumpka. During our time there, we welcomed a little boy into the world, and celebrated anniversaries 2, 3, 4, and 5. In the months following #5, I found out more news via text: "Do you want your 3rd child to be a boy or a girl?" She would be a girl. We moved again.

Moving home was easy, changing jobs was more difficult. I had a lot of questions and fears. Youth ministry was a lot of fun. Never let any boohooing over-wrought student minister make you feel sorry for how bad they have it. I loved being the minister of fun trips, media, and eating after church. I had always wanted to be a pastor, but to actually do it? What if I mess this up? What if I fall flat on my face? She's been my encouragement and my support every step of the way. She saw what God was doing in our lives bringing us back here before I did.

I'm happy to report that, to this point, I haven't fallen flat on my face. I believe that God is at work in our church, and I believe that He has some good things in store for the future of First Baptist. We're living the good life. There have been a few bumps along the road, and things haven't always been easy, but we're blessed people. We've crammed a lot of life into the past 6 years: 3 kids, 3 jobs and a Master's degree a piece, and now I'm back to school again. We've moved half-way across the state and back again. And now, here we are.

Today on N. Wintzell, I'm in my office, and as I sit here typing, I can look through the window to see my wife pulling up at our house. Two shining children are piling out of the minivan as she pulls the third out in a baby carrier. In just a few minutes, I'll join them for lunch. We'll share a smile and a laugh (hopefully) and she'll probably give me a little scolding for something I've left undone. What I hope that she knows is that I love her, and I can't imagine my life without her. Above all men, I'm blessed. As we share a few minutes together, I'll be able to echo Solomon and say: "This is my beloved, this is my friend".

1 comment:

  1. Wow you are going to make me all weepy. That was so moving. Merry Christmas to you all.
