Thursday, July 14, 2011

One Year Ago...

OK, so it's taken awhile to write this one. It's hard to believe that just over a year ago I started my current journey down N. Wintzell, and I must say that the ride has been a blast. Over the past year, I've had the opportunity to serve a great church, come back to a hometown that I love, and get closer to a family that I've missed over the past few years. We've welcomed a new addition to our family and we've seen our church family grow as well. I don't know what the next year holds for any of us, but I just don't know how it could be any better than this year has been.

One of the highlights of the journey has been writing this blog. I've never really considered myself a writer but I've enjoyed the opportunity to share my thoughts, memories, and experiences with all of you. Hopefully, life will slow down in the days ahead and I'll be able to give the blog a bit more attention. Writing has been good for me and I want to do it more often. Thank you for indulging me and thank you for the many words of encouragement that I've received as I continue to write. If the measure of a man's life is the quality of his friends, than I believe that the last year has proven just how blessed I am. I'm surrounded by some of the best folks a person could ask to associate himself with and I don't take that lightly. I've been taking a look down N. Wintzell and I believe that the view is mighty fine!

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