Tuesday, August 9, 2011

30 for 30: Part IV

7)At 30, mowing the grass has taken on a whole new significance in my life. Today, I was excited about mowing grass after work. How did I reach this place? As a young boy, I was fascinated by this activity. As I watched my dad mow the grass, it seemed like a great opportunity to display my mastery over both lawn and machine. Mowing grass appeared to be a very grown-up thing to do. Not long afterwards, I got the opportunity to move from spectator to participant. At 7, I had my first opportunity to operate the Yazoo. If you've never had the chance to use a Yazoo pushmower, you've missed out on the Cadillac of mowers. I quickly discovered that, regardless of the quality of the equipment, mowing is a lot like work. In Bayou La Batre, Alabama, it is particularly hot work in vegetation that could best be classified as Amazonian. I rebelled against yardwork. Not actively, but my passive-aggressive streak helped me to do the job poorly and with a negative attitude. I did the best I could to avoid the task by any means necessary. I also pouted. This inspired one of my dad's often repeated phrases: "You're going to do it and you're going to like it".

I'm no longer a preteen and nobody is lovingly instructing me to get my behind in gear and mow the grass. I'm blessed by a wonderful church where people regularly offer to mow the grass at the pastorium. I seldom take them up on the offer, because I enjoy my time on the tractor. For a few hours this afternoon, I was able to relax and enjoy a bit of time working outdoors and accomplishing a necessary task. What in the world has happened to me?

8) I think that maybe on some level what has happened to me is that I am beginning to understand the concept of dominion is recorded in the Genesis account of Creation.

And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1:28

I grew up surrounded by people who were close to the earth. On my mother's side, the family earned their living off of the bounty of the land. Over the years, I watched and helped as Grandpa raised soybeans, corn, and cotton. At the shipyard, we were dependent on the bounty of the sea to bring in business, and Dad paid careful attention to the state of each season's haul. In south Mobile County, our traditional means of livelihood are closely intertwined with the harvest of the earth and seas.

I've lost most of that connection. My vocation doesn't require it. I don't have a garden and I only fish recreationally. That leaves me with my yard. My only opportunity to exercise dominion over creation and subdue the earth occurs on this plot of land. Hopefully, I've done my part to keep the second commandment to mankind today!

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