Sunday, August 14, 2011

30 for 30: Part V

9) I've got great kids, but they're growing up too fast. Tomorrow will be a big day in the life of the Landry family. With the start of the new school year, Suzanne will be heading back to work, Amelia has begun her day-care career, and Maggie will begin kindergarten. After daycare and preschool at Dixon last year, the moment has arrived and she will walk into her first big-girl classroom. Unexpectedly, we found out last week that Joseph would also be going to "big boy" school. The door opened for Joseph to participate in pre-K at Collier Elementary School and we were excited for the opportunity. Friday, I took Joseph to register, meet his teacher, and see the school. He did great, but I was a little overwhelmed.

Preparation for the school year has caused me to reflect on my relationship with my kids. I don't know that I would classify myself as father of the year material, but I hope that I'm doing a good job. One thing that is certain is that they have my heart. Tomorrow, they go to a place that is outside of the realm of my control. As it turns out, I know both of their teachers on a personal level and have every confidence in their ability to care for and nurture my children emotionally and intellectually. I'm excited for them, but I'm a bit nervous at the same time. How have you parents of adults done it?

10) I guess that letting go is harder than I ever thought it would be. I suppose that tomorrow marks a moment in my children's lives in which they will begin to make their own way in the world. They will begin to establish identities separate from their parents. I'm excited and have no doubts that they will do well. As their father, I'm certain that my kids are the brightest, most beautiful, and most lovable children that have ever graced our planet. I can't imagine them not excelling. I remember going to school once upon a time, though. Someone will be mean. There will be fights, scraped knees, hurt feelings, and subjects that are difficult to grasp. I'd give anything to be able to protect them from all of it, but I can't.

So what can I do? As best I can tell I'm limited to three things:
A) Instruction: What am I pouring into the lives of my children? Have I directed them into paths of righteousness? Am I teaching them the right way to live? Will they know how to treat others with respect and to follow instructions? Will I continue to correct and discipline moving forward?

B) Love: Have I offered my children unconditional love? Will I be willing to love them through listening? When they hurt, will they recognize that they can come to me and experience my love, before they listen to my wisdom? Will they carry hearts so full of their parents' love that they will be difficult to injure?

C) Prayer: I did something I don't usually do with my children tonight. We try to have a regular nightly prayer time with our kids, but this evening I called them to come sit in my lap and told them that I wanted to have a special prayer for them. I laid my hands on those two babies and prayed specifically for each of them and the start of their new school year. This won't be the last time that I do it. Will my children experience God's blessing as a result of a father who is faithful to intercede on their behalf?

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