Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My View from N. Wintzell 10/26/10

Sorry for the radio silence. It's been an exciting few weeks here on N. Wintzell. For those of you who aren't so intimately acquainted with the activities of the Landry family, let me bring you up to date.

10/17/10- Homecoming at FBC. A great day of worship and fellowship with friends and family was enjoyed by the church. Immediately following the festivities, my son developed a hacking cough and fever. Dr.'s diagnosis- bronchitis.

10/18/10- Dad and Joseph enjoy a sick day together. A smashing time was had by all. Compliments of Hollywood Video, we enjoyed Toy Story, Pete's Dragon, and The Great Mouse Detective.

10/19/10-10/20/10- all was quiet on the southern front.

10/21/10- at 7:15AM I received a text message from my 33 week pregnant wife: "I think my water just broke!" We live in an amazing age of technological wonder. My wife uses it to communicate a number of important messages to me. It was via text message that I found out about two of my wife's pregnancies. I like text messaging. For future reference, I think such an announcement (ie the breaking of water) deserves a phone call.

We arrived at the hospital and Suzanne was examined only to determine that her water had not broken. She was, however, having contractions. After stopping the contractions, the Dr. determined that the best course of action was for her to stay over night.

10/22/10- Good news! Everything looks great and we're going home at noon. All in all the trip was a smashing success and we hope to hold off the onset of labor as long as possible.

10/23/10- Suzanne wakes to symptoms of Joseph's bronchitis. After a phone call to her doctor, we return to the hospital. While there, contractions began again and, you guessed it, we settled in for another overnight stay.

10/24/10- While I was at church, the doctor made the decision to release Suzanne again. Upon arriving home, she discovered that our son was running a 102-degree fever with redness in his throat. Three hours of Urgent-Care later, we had a diagnosis of strep throat.

It's now Tuesday, 10/26/10 and everyone seems to be doing well. Suzanne went back to work today and we have made our best effort to keep the medical establishment in Mobile County afloat for another week. Thanks to all of you who have been praying for us. We're blessed to have such an incredible group of people to call our friends and family. Please keep praying!

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