Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Our Family Keeps Growing

Meet the Landrys

3 Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,
the fruit of the womb a reward.
4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior
are the children of one’s youth.
5 Blessed is the man
who fills his quiver with them!
He shall not be put to shame
when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

Psalm 127:3-5

As many of you know by now, Suzanne and I are expecting our third child. Today was an exciting day for our family as we found out that this child we are waiting and praying expectantly for is a little girl. We plan to name her Amelia Kay. Those of you who are parents know the joy that comes with the addition of a new life to your family, and we are counting down the days until she joins us.

Parenthood has been quite an adventure for Suzanne and I. Many of you out there know us and that everything in our relationship has been fast-paced. We went on our first date two weeks after we met. Since then, we've been together every single day that I wasn't travelling with the church. Not long after our first date, we confessed our love to each other. Two months after the first date, we were engaged. Six months later, we were married.

Just as we began our new life together, I got a surprise in the form of a text message from my lovely new bride. I was sitting in a classroom in Pensacola when I got this message: "You need to call me". Within minutes I had called and received the shock of my life. After two months of married life, I found out I was going to be a dad. Some nine months later, God brought a precious little girl into our life. Maggie Elizabeth has her father's eyes and shares more than a few of my eccentricities. Some days I feel like I'm looking into a mirror at a four year-old female me. She adores her mother and wants to do everything she can to be like Suzanne. Her mother is helping to shape her ideals of femininity and beauty. Her daddy is just that, a big bear that you can make melt when necessary. Maggie, you're the pride of my youth. Each step that I've watched you take has made my heart swell, knowing that you are my daughter. Thank you for the love and tenderness that you've brought into my life.

After Maggie's birth, time moved forward and life changed. I finished seminary and our little family packed up and left home for the first time ever. God brought us to a charming town on the banks of the Coosa River, and we got to call Wetumpka home for four wonderful years. During that time, our family grew. One summer's day I was in my office when Suzanne called to tell me to come outside and see her, that she had something for me. She handed me a card, and inside I received the news that I was going to be a dad again. We waited and prayed, and when the time came, I found out that we would be embarking on a new adventure. When the ultrasound tech looked at me and said, "Mr. Landry, it's a boy", I knew that my life would change again. He decided to come see us a little early, so during the middle of Dr. Troglen's second point of the 8:30 service on February 24, I hustled Suzanne out of church and on to Baptist-East. My son was here. Joseph Hughes, you are your mother's joy, but you carry with you the strength of my spirit. Though you are only a child now, I pray for you and dream of the man that you may become. While you share your mother's brown eyes and smile, I see a little bit of me when I laugh with you. When we wrestle in the floor, read a book, play ball, or just enjoy time with each other, I know that you're watching me. I hope that I'm able to give you some of the strength that the men in my life have passed on to me. Joseph, follow the path that God lays before you, and know that standing behind you is a man who will support you every step of the way.

We thought two would probably be it, but we were never quite ready to close that door. We waited, and now here we are. God has called us home again. We're back in the Bayou with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, and couldn't be happier to be here. I'm back in school and starting in a new season of ministry. Amelia Kay, I don't have any idea what the future holds for you. I don't know how we'll relate or what kind of personality you'll have or anything else. But I do know this one thing: Your mommy and daddy love you very much. When your mom delivered the news to me (via text message, of course)"Do you want your next child to be a boy or a girl?" I knew that I would love you. When we saw the first pictures of you via ultrasound and heard your heartbeat, it made my heart skip one. Today, when I saw your two little feet, and you waved at us with one of your tiny hands, I knew it. You are a special gift from God and your mom and I are going to do everything that we can to embrace you as the blessing and responsibility that we know you are. Amelia, we're counting the days. Don't come too soon, don't wait too late. We want you to be right on time. I've got plans for you. We've got episodes of Yo Gabba Gabba! to watch and tea parties to host. There's a horse on a carousel in a Magic Kingdom to ride. I can't wait to give you the hugs and kisses that every Daddy's Girl deserves. Until then, know that I'm waiting, watching, and praying.

To my children: my Maggie, my Joseph, my Amelia,

I love you.


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