Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Bayou Top 10: #6

How do I love thee red drink? Let me count the ways...

In preparing this Bayou Top 10 list, the item listed above was one of the very first things that came to mind. Some of you may be thinking, "Clint, that's a Strawberry Fanta. You can get one of those anywhere." Bear with me for just a moment. The beauty of this beverage (from this point on to be referred to as "red drink") is in its pairing. I could go to just about any convenience store in the region and have a bottled red drink. But, how many places could I go and enjoy it on tap in a local fast food establishment? So far as I know, only one place: The Bayou.

Take a little trip with me back to the late 90's. As a teenager, one of my favorite meals involved a short jaunt down to Sidney's (check them out here) for a COB (we'll discuss this beauty later on) and a red drink. The COB is excellent by itself, but the addition of a red drink moved the meal into the realm of the sublime. Red drink developed quite a cult following in those days and I was glad to partake.

With that back story, you can imagine my disappointment when I walked into Sidney's for lunch during my move-in for a COB (hot mustard, add cheese) and a red drink, only to find that Sidney's no longer serves red drink. At this point I faced an existential crisis. Was I prepared to live in a Bayou without red drink? My entire sense of gravity vanished in an instant. After an extended internal dialogue (and if you've read my blog very often my internal dialogues are often extended), I decided that I would make the most of the situation and move forward.

A few weeks after moving in, I made an executive decision to have lunch at Subway. During my absence, we added a new restaurant to our dining options, and I have become a regular customer. After paying for my sandwich, I made my way to the drink counter, where I found myself face-to-face with an old friend: red drink.

Since my return, I've had a number of similar encounters. One night at Greer's, I ran in for milk and bread and ran into three of my former classmates from high school. It was like old times. It had been nearly 12 years since I had seen any of them, but we had a few moments of good conversation, catching up on news past and present. So it was with my red drink.

Red drink makers, I salute you!

(For more information on red drink, visit its website here.

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