Thursday, September 23, 2010

Not Too Far from the Tree

Like Father, Like Son...

As most of you are probably aware, the picture above features myself and my son Joseph. Sons are a blessing. If you don't have one, I highly recommend them. In the aforementioned picture, we're inside "Donald's Boat" in Mickey's Toontown Fair in Walt Disney World. By the looks on our faces, we're probably wondering exactly why we spent 10 minutes of precious vacation time walking around inside of a plastic boat with nothing inside of it. Or maybe that was just me.

As I write this post, Joseph and I are sitting up together. The women around here go to bed early, but Joseph and I like to stay up for a bit. Actually, it's more like we do everything we can to fight sleep. Right now, I'm typing on one couch while Joseph lies sprawled across the other one. As an aside, I'm on the short couch and he's got the long one to himself. I'm afraid I see a pattern developing here. Over the past 45 minutes, he's been in and out of his bed 5 times, he's readjusted to 37 different positions to find the optimal sleeping position on the couch, he's taken blankets on and off, and he's still not particularly close to being asleep. That's my boy.

Thursday is the only day during the week where I pick Joseph up from school. So, I thought we'd have a quick after school adventure. We made the trip down N. Wintzell to Landry Boatworks to see Pop after work. This is always a fun trip. Pop's got boats, you know. Today was a special treat, as we got to take a ride down the Bayou in one of Pop's boats. Joseph had a blast. It made my day. I think Pop had a pretty good time as well. As our three generations enjoyed our brief cruise, I reflected on the blessings I enjoy, as both a father and a son.

So, as I sit here and type, and Joseph swaps ends of the couch again, I'd like to say thank you, Lord for fathers and sons, and the joy of being both and having both. God, help me to guide him towards You. Let my example point him in the way of godliness.

The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice;
he who fathers a wise son will be glad in him.
Proverbs 23:24

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